Love it my only criticism would be that I found the midi guitar right at 1:17 to be a touch high!
Love it my only criticism would be that I found the midi guitar right at 1:17 to be a touch high!
You're right I need to tone it down. I thought at first: why not has a tinge ring?, but I think its a bit much now. Thank you for your response :D
Super clean stuff here. Love the guitars in this especially. And when thay glitchy effect comes in at around 2 minutes is super cool too. Love it. That's a fave from this hombre
Has a very 90's pop punk ep feel to it. Keep it up! Really nice melodies.
Big ups on the groove. Gives it an upbeat kind of industrial feel almost!
I've always loved tgise sections in songs where the drums go all trippy like in tgat stretch from 53 seconds to about 1 minute and four seconds in. Always wanted to know how to do that! Slick stuff!
This is sexy haha. Fav'd and downloaded.
Thanks so much. Just heard you guys song and wow!! I am blown away. Love to see you guys perform!!
Im absolutely living for these haha. Nice stuff! I'll go give you a sub on youtube too!
This reminda me so much of something I had on a mixtape in the 90's when I was a little kid. It was my older brothers so I don't know who the artist is, but this really brought me back! I love the vibe, very nostalgia inducing for me.
Joined on 3/16/17