This is sexy haha. Fav'd and downloaded.
This is sexy haha. Fav'd and downloaded.
Thanks so much. Just heard you guys song and wow!! I am blown away. Love to see you guys perform!!
A strong showing. Very clear audio. Love the spooky sound to it. The sound from the intro to about 23 seconds gives me 90's batman soundtrack vibes for some reason. I really like this. One of your best so far I think!
^_^ Giving off 90s vibes is one of the best compliments i've ever received. Thanks for the solid review Dawg!
I touch on the short side for me. But you've got it all here. Nice pace, good dynamics, nice changes to keep it interesting. Well done! A favorite from this hombre!
thanks a lot!
I didn't hear the original, but I know I'm downloading this one. The clarity is just amazing on this. You gotta teach me how to eq this well! We're not worthy!!!
It's all about carving frequencies and making room! It's like a big puzzle, but you get to decide how the pieces fit together, which can be a blessing and a curse!
I actually just found this. Not sure why you're blaming me for your score? I said thanks for the review? I have plenty of listeners on spotify, as well as multiple front pages here. So believe me when i say that your critique didn't hurt that bad. I've heard so SO much worse! I also just got a 2 star on another song you probably wouldn't care for, I said thanks for listening and moved on like I did when you reviewed. At least your review had REAL criticism, that I in fact agreed with! Do if I misunderstand your comments I'm sorry, but if not. Don't blame me for anything. I certainly don't care what your score is. And if you look at my reviews I pretty well NEVER zero people. If anything I'm too generous with 5 stars. Great song. But honestly I don't appreciate being blamed for your score. Good luck in the future with all you do.
On the other side I do think genuinely this is good and your very talented!
Five stars because of the great quality.
Not blaming you, definitely not! It's the people who zero'd my score because of criticism I gave
Love that riffing at the very end the most. Really slick stuff. Sounds so pretty.
That riffing is the main theme of the next song I am going to write lol.
THANKS for checking this out!
I feel like I'm gaming in the 80's. Awesome stuff
Glad it could make you feel this way =]
I'm always excited to see you've posted. Love all lf the elements in this one. Especially that pumping beat
Thank you so much!! You always put a smile on my face. I'm always excited to upload new music!!
A touch loud and pumpy I think. But I like what I hear!
That thicc, curvy, big, ass doe 😍
I love em THICC
Joined on 3/16/17